The Big B Animation Co. is an innovative animation and multimedia production studio with offices in Berlin, Dublin, and Los Angeles. Formed by Producer/Director Jody Gannon in 2008, the studio — reflecting his passion for all things animated — has become one of the foremost animation service providers in Germany and across Europe.
Jody and his Development Head Marlowe Weisman are currently in production on their witty, Serengeti-based preschool series Rhina Rhino.
With vast experience on some of Europe’s biggest animated productions, our highly-skilled team produces all forms of modern multimedia — CGi, VFX, Motion Graphics, Digital 2D, Cut Out and Stop Motion — from Feature Films, TV Series, and Webisodes to Corporate Videos, Commercials, and Titles.
Our famous productions include Sherezade, Oskar & Rico, School for Vampires, Kikaninchen, Mondmann, Simsalagrimm, and many others.
Big B offers complete animation services: Budgeting, Scriptwriting/Editing, Concept, Character & Set Design, Dynamic and Dramatic Storyboards, Animation Timing and Direction.
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